The minute the data is updated and how the military accounts change. Explains Henstein's representative 3 May. 18:45 Category:No category

The representative of the General State of the State General General General General General General Colonel Yuri Brightk was told why Radio NV is now in TCDC, and what will happen to this information and what will happen next. Public the most important subjects in the conversation. Why is it that everyone is talking about and it's called the mobilization law taking effect on the 18th of May. But what we're seeing now is an interest in our citizens arriving in TPS to refresh their data, as the law suggests. From

So how to work on Google, why new technologies aren't always better and that we don't need to optimize everything 3 May. 12:53 Category:No category

Now, one or two or three of Thechno was talking to Roman Apocalypse, the CEO Mate adviser about the fairies when he selected technology, why Roman went off with Google and how wrong to optimize processes. The anger is Roman Apostal, CEO, and the founder of the Edtech-startup Mate acadoy.Vadyevov, Senator-Developer in Mettar, CTO Kasta. Follow us and listen to us on all platforms: iTunes, SoundCloud, Google Podcast, RSS... is _ microwhile {height: 230px; ♪ In the episode of discussion: 00: 00 Intre05: 15

The residence of the State City was presented by the Diia.Cety.Union. What she does 3 May. 11:29 Category:No category

The introduction of today during the Tech Summit was a public presentation by Diia.Cit.Inion, which is a song that created the justice residence of the City in the year 2022. It was also reported in July of 2023 by the Mindigit Director Michael Felicus. Now, the organization has more than 50 members. Among the members are SoftService, EPAM, Sigma Software, GlobalLogic, Lukov, and other companies. The union leads Valercia Kushnerchuk, head of corporate innovation in Ukrainian Startup. The president is the co-founder and the Chul

3x5,000 vacant per month and 131 reviews for Forfont-end vacancy. The Int-Market Overview, April 2024 3 May. 10:00 Category:No category

Every month we look at what was happening on with vacants, feedback and company activity. Most interesting in April: 5021 vacancy per month, + 218 to March; Number of 194 miltech vacancy and a half-thousand reviews; More opportunities for unexperienced professionals, more than five years of experience; Screen-end count - on average 131 vacations, among beginners - 462 reviews; About 1,600 companies published their vacations. 36 percent more vacancy than in the flower

In Minebornaire, the understanding of which data should be updated by the military commander up to the 16th of July 2 May. 12:19 Category:No category

In May, the electronic office of the military has to work. It will be a separate service, it will pass through BankID or Diya. Signals The Secretary of Defense on digital development and digitization of Katherine Chernorenka on his Facebook page, and also on Radio Liberty, told the details of how to launch and function e-office. When and how will the e-office of the military be set up?

«Якщо переходити в ІТ з держсектору, то це космос». Що роблять юристи в ІТ і які є міфи про професію 2 May. 10:00 Category:No category

Редакція DOU вже написала про більшу частину технічних спеціальностей у межах рубрики «Кар’єра в IT». Цього ж разу ми розповідаємо про юристів у IT-компаніях — їхні типові обов’язкі, тестові завдання, зарплати й міфи навколо фаху. Щоб розкрити професію повністю, ми поспілкувалися з десятком юристів, які працюють у штаті IT-компаній. Усі цитати, наведені у матеріалі, взяті з їхніх розповідей. 👨‍💻 Хто такі Legal-спеціалісти в ІТ💼 Чим робота юристів в IT відрізняється від інших сфер💰 Скільки заробл

2011 in March T-export from Ukraine has grown, but the quarterout has not reached the performance of the last year 30 Apr. 20:10 Category:No category

According to NBU, in March, the IST exports from Ukraine were $565 million. It's $47 million (or 9%) more than February. The total outlet in the first quarter of 2024 is $1.59 billion, which is 5% less than the first quarter a year ago. Comparing the metrics of the first quarter 2010-2024 years of monthly exports of the year's May, August, and December brought Ukraine the largest exchange for export of T-service. If you compare coastal data to each other in the last few years, you see dad

Kartaw comes from the Government of the Ukraine startup fund 30 Apr. 17:30 Category:No category

Paul Carlyle, who, since 2018, ruled the Ukrainian startup fund (Ukainian Startup, USF), on his Facebook page, said he was leaving his post. "Behind the back of my boss's office for years. These years have become a period of birth and intense development of national innovative ecosystems. I'm reporting the end of my contract for the director's office. The next thing I get is new professional challenges and things, "he remarked. As Forbes says, this decision has been supported by the USF Observation Council,

According to Kyiv, only 9% of the mortgages have internet on xPON base. What's the advantage of this technology and how to put it at home? 30 Apr. 15:47 Category:No category

The recent mix of the City with Mindigit presents an updated online map of the Ukrainian providers ready to be demolished and can provide the internet from 4 to 72 hours. xPON - among the technologies offered to users more frequently. Yuri Macek, the director of the development of broadband infrastructure in Mindigit answered the DOU question and explained what the situation with xPON networks in various regions of Ukraine and what it is worth to make residents who want to have a stable online connection

SET University надає гранти на чотири свої магістратури. Хто може претендувати 30 Apr. 12:37 Category:No category

SET University запускає стипендійну програму для своїх магістратур із кіберзахисту, інноваційної інженерії, інженерії даних, машинного навчання та хмарних рішень. Українці та українки можуть отримати гранти, що покривають вартість навчання. 👩🏻‍💻 Детальніше про програми У стипендійній програмі беруть участь чотири магістратури SET University:— «Кіберзахист»;— «Інноваційна інженерія»;— «Інженерія даних»;— «Машинне навчання та хмарні технології». Навчання на цих програмах (без стипендій) коштує 58,

The "Action" object created 16 people, and we were at first five people. Interpol's Guide to Action about Exiting, Aphoning and Community Reaction 30 Apr. 10:10 Category:No category

2005-03-13 "Action" became a colonial subject. We spoke to the Eugenian Gorbachev, Chief Productor Officer in Actions, and we asked why the subject came out of the peninsula right now, what was the first human response to the GitHub, who are the email support of the code and whether a lot of shots of reductors from the community approved the team. And also, whether the actual vacancy is on the team. "Create a separate team that will argue with someone on GitHub? No, we're not going to cook. " About Image Support Model

KDEDIR of 1600 + solution and $3.2 million grants. Brave1 was told that he was able to make it in a year as a cluster 29 Apr. 14:20 Category:No category

April 26, 2023, launched Brave1 -- a platform for development and support of military innovation in Ukraine. The Deference Tech department told the DOU about its basic tasks and achievements, and which developments are now most needed by defenders on the front. This is about priorities and that in the first year the Ukrainian developers registered more than 1,600 designs on 12 vertical lines defined by the Gene1. The most important ones are: - 300 + in the stroke; - 200 + construction of the earthwork

Juna's ass is back in IT, Voyager-1 finally on communication, the United States will forbid Tikka-DOU News # 144 29 Apr. 12:53 Category:No category

Gentlemen in the recent DOU News exams the use of AI in war, delayed Google, cybersecurity and other news of Ukraine and the World IT sector. Sign YouTube so that you do not skip any recent news of the Times 00: 00 Intre00: 15 Who hires the jungle in Ukrainian IT01: 39 Partner block03: 06% of Ukraine's concession will temporarily provide services to the men of the lead vix05: 01 Russian hackers were trying to break down 20 businesses in Ukraine: 26 Shadow Force Xi Mven for ZW

Tony Doe in the ZPD was more likely to work on IT directions, and volunteers have a bunch of advantages. DOU Query Results 29 Apr. 10:00 Category:No category

Half of the iPads that went to the ZU in the last half of the year immediately got an IT role. Two years ago, they were only 14%. The interns who are liberating with the service often suffer from the indifference of society. This part of the mobilization and military service is talking about the experience of iPads that have served or served in the Force of Defense during a full-blown war. The first part was about motivation and barriers to troops. This is the results of a IT survey that went on DOU to question

KPhotoAlbum will finance ideas on different stages of development. Defence Tech cluster of TF Dones is looking for "garage" IT objects 26 Apr. 15:04 Category:No category

The Ukrainian drone manufacturer TF Dones launched Deference Tech Innovation Hub. Its goal is to minimize time between developing promising technologies from garage and trenches and implementation on front. "There are a considerable amount of promising developments that don't get enough funding for them to be put into life. According to TF Dones, their numbers have now crossed several thousand, "said the authors of the report. In Inevation Hub, they say they're not just going to use the veneer

The members of the TACT companies were told if they needed higher education, which books would grow up and when we needed to find the first job 26 Apr. 13:00 Category:No category

Ukrainian education is being transformed and moved to Europe. And soon, students can choose their own pace and their learning span and change their specialty. In addition, the Minnesota was anonymous by an experimental object -- at the base of universities, building a startup school network to make innovative decisions that could engage investors. DOU asked the founders and thopemanagers the largest IT companies in Ukraine, whether they're interested in higher education for a map in the industry, or combine

The Accounts Adventures "from" Return alive "becomes part of professional military education 26 Apr. 11:11 Category:No category

According to Course, he became certified in Minnesota and entered Kop's military institution. "College of captains" is the training of military leadership under NATO standards and based on the experience of Russian-Ukrainian warfare. Back alive Fund initiated a course with the Force of territorial Defense in 2022. Since then, training has ended over 500 commanders, mouth, battalion, and Tero state officers, National Guard, and Dessano-storming ZU troops. Tutorial takes three months and covers

Who is renting an apartment for $5.5K in Kyiv, bird on Android and future dividers - DOU Podcast # 69 26 Apr. 09:49 Category:No category

Place in the new DOU Podcast lab approach to startup development, why one image is more important than words and how to use AI correctly. About the subtle adaptations of the Ukrainian product in the European Market and whether Birb flies in London -- in the video. Vertices: Fritchenko's Arsenado is the founder and the grocery designer of Bird, Olex Mystko, Professor CDTO at KMM's, Head of Operence in DOU. Are you sure I'll see you in Kyiv? Buy tickets for the big DOU Day conference! In the episode we're talking about: 00: 00 Intro 00: 18 Who

According to Kop, they cancelled the magic program "Quantum Field Theory." Why is it important? 25 Apr. 17:44 Category:No category

The Czech theme at the physics department of the Quintum Theory of Field is not the first time to go to grad school. Students are studying fundamental issues of physics, including space at the beginning of the universe. But learning graduates are also used in supplementary areas, including IT. In eight educational programs, the physical department of the arts is six. Even though the "Quantum Theory of Field" program is the only one in the faculty who has the definition of "Miracle" guide

SS Whether your internet provider is ready. We missed an interactive map where we could check it out 25 Apr. 11:02 Category:No category

The Lower City Team, along with Mindigit, has created an interactive map of the Ukrainian providers ready for irrigation and can provide the internet from 4 to 72 hours. This card used to be only available to the movies. As the DOU was reported in the pool, the target has now been scaled to other cities, and providers can add information about their services. This map includes: - check the provider's readiness for the blackout of electricity; To find the nearest providers that provide the internet from 4 to 72 hours; - to know you

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