Lubian: The Red Cross directly follows Russia's aggression against Ukraine 28 Apr. 01:17 Category:Мир

The Ombudsman believes that an organization with a world name has become a lawyer for Russian criminals

jikistan called to keep his citizens away from Russia 27 Apr. 23:40 Category:Мир

Aunt Tajik is asking not to go to Russia without an urgent need

The head of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The greatest threat to Europe is Russian imperialism 27 Apr. 22:13 Category:Мир

xplained what would happen if Europeans didn't help Ukraine defeat the aggressor

In the United States, a powerful tornado rages: The elements destroy everything in their path, there are victims. Photo and video 27 Apr. 19:20 Category:Мир

Непогода началась еще в пятницу и продлится до воскресенья включительно

MCA is ready to give a warrant for the Battle of Netanha due to the war in Gaza, - The Times 27 Apr. 18:58 Category:Мир

According to the Nepanayak, any decisions on the ISS will not affect the actions of Israel

China's megapolis, where more than 18 million people live, has reached a destructive tornado (photo, video) 27 Apr. 18:40 Category:Мир

In one of the largest cities in the world, Guangzhou, a tornado was observed. The natural phenomenon, according to meteorologists, had a third level of power

The eyes were white: A 5-year-old boy was struck by a rare disease (photo) 27 Apr. 18:11 Category:Мир

The mother of her 5 - year - old son noticed an unusual glow in her right eye, which prompted her to contact the doctors. They diagnosed retinoblastoma

"The criminal role has been played:" In Moscow, the 12th suspect was arrested in a terrorist attack at Crocus 27 Apr. 16:54 Category:Мир

According to the investigation, Jumohon Courbonov provided other suspects with mobile phones, as well as billing for these numbers

"Я не могу дышать": в США во время задержания копами умер афроамериканец 27 Apr. 16:24 Category:Мир

Мужчина оказал сопротивление. Полицейские скрутили его и положили на пол и надели наручники. Один из правоохранителей в течение примерно 30 секунд прижимал мужчину к полу, нажимая коленом на верхнюю часть спины задержанного.

Путин не отдавал приказа ликвидировать Навального, — WSJ 27 Apr. 16:16 Category:Мир

Собеседники издания отметили, что вывод основан на секретных разведданных, а также на анализе общеизвестных фактов, включая время смерти и то, как она омрачила переизбрание Путина на пятый срок. Однако источники не уточнили, оценивались ли обстоятельства гибели Навального и разрабатывались ли альтернативные объяснения его скоропостижной кончины.

В Турции стоматолог, ставя имплант, просверлил пациенту мозг (фото) 27 Apr. 15:47 Category:Мир

Во время операции пациент услышал, как врач в разговоре с медсестрой сообщил, что аппарат для вкручивания имплантов вышел из строя. Поэтому он заканчивал начатое вручную.

Посол України в Польщі пояснив ситуацію щодо чоловіків призовного віку 27 Apr. 15:29 Category:Мир

Дипломат зазначив, що відомості про кількість українських чоловіків призовного віку у Польщі наразі "дуже приблизні".

In Turkey, the dentist turned his own implant into the patient's brain 27 Apr. 14:55 Category:Мир

Proper during the procedure, the patient felt bone chipper, but the dentist said it was okay

Second in Slovakia, a collection for Ukraine is approaching four million euros, a Le Monde 27 Apr. 14:55 Category:Мир

In the meantime, the Slovakia is going to be in the Czech initiative, people have taken great money from Ukrainians in 12 days

Zelinski's solution to Johnson's decision to approve the help of Ukraine: Polico has learned details 27 Apr. 14:45 Category:Мир

Mr. Zielinski called Johnson an extreme term for which Ukraine will still be able to counter Russian pressure without the US help

How China survived the USSR and became world leader: Capitalism in the Service of the Commissary 27 Apr. 14:01 Category:Мир

The weak People's Republic of China in the early 1970s was more prepared to export the revolution than any material product. After all, the world's demand for revolutions fell significantly at that time. Focus explored how China became the second economy of the world from a backward Asian country

The US warned Georgia about the consequences of the "aliens" Act: politics will change 27 Apr. 11:25 Category:Мир

American Senators sent a sharp letter to the Head of Georgian Government

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