У Київській області мікроавтобус з пасажирами в'їхав у провалля на трасі, загинули двоє людей, ще семеро — поранені

nv.ua 22 Apr. 10:46 Category:Україна/Події

Поблизу села Олива Іванківської громади Київської області вранці у понеділок, 22 квітня, мікроавтобус з пасажирами провалився у провалля, загинули двоє людей, повідомляє ДСНС.

In Zaporozhye, three fires in natural ecosystems were DAlDS

suspilne.media 22 Apr. 10:19 Category:No category

24 hours, April 21, three fires occurred in Zaporozhye ecosystems. It was damaged by the natural environment in the general area .32 ha

In Zaporozhye, the rescue workers treated the effects of displeasure -- DAlDS

suspilne.media 22 Apr. 09:25 Category:No category

In Zaporozhye, the rescue workers treated the consequences of displeasure. In particular, they took a burnt tree, which due to the wind's impulse, fell into a light car

The Representatives are awarded to the loss of Kyiv and three regions - DIS

radiosvoboda.org 21 Apr. 22:27 Category:Події

There is no such thing as warning data, there is no shortage of injured people

The Brazilian RF attack on Odessa involves a tactical fire robot called Magirus Wolf R1, DAlDS. Phase report

censor.net 21 Apr. 18:15 Category:Події

The Treaty of Odessa, where the effects of Russian hits are actively involving the special DFS forces, such as a fire robot

Medical examiner explained what the abnormal heat was tied to in April

gazeta.ua 21 Apr. 17:51 Category:Суспільство

Opaque surprised the weather at the end of March and early April when the temperature reached + 26 & deg; The particular type of temperature record was recorded in Kyiv on April 10th. A meeting of the OED and the climate of Ukraine's hydrometeorological institute of DAlDS and NAN, Vra Balabam in the comments of "24 channels" explained why a week ago in Ukraine was an anonymous heat. She pointed out that the hot temperatures that the Ukrainians observed at the end of March were in the middle of the flower

In the Gengelsk community at the Sumerian Rescue, the RF Army crashed

suspilne.media 21 Apr. 17:39 Category:No category

On April 21, the DAlDS workers had a fatal recovery in one of the population elements of the Plative Community, which admits to the RF Army. This was reported in the HU DAlDS region in the Sumean area

В Одеській області після удару РФ третій день горить термінал, до ліквідації пожежі залучили роботів

nv.ua 21 Apr. 16:52 Category:Україна/Події

В Одеській області третій день поспіль триває пожежа на агропромисловому терміналі, що потрапив під російський обстріл 19 квітня. Про це повідомляє Головне управління ДСНС України в Одеській області у неділю, 21 квітня.

The third day of the Order, fire on the enemy fire: involve to quench robots

rubryka.com 21 Apr. 16:34 Category:No category

In the Odei region, a Russian missile will fire on the 3rd day of a row. Rubrik wrote about it, referring to the main control of the DIS in Odessa. "The third day of a row-in-a-row rescue has eliminated the impact of the arms terminal in the Odel," reported firefighters. As they say in DAlDS, there's an aerial anxiety issue of treatment done by rescue people. Let's remind ourselves that [# 8230;] ♪ The post on Ode the third day fires in a row

На Одещині третій день палає пожежа через російський обстріл: для гасіння залучили роботів

gazeta.ua 21 Apr. 16:31 Category:Одеса

В Одеській області третій день поспіль спалахує пожежа після удару росіян по агропромисловому терміналу. Для гасіння були залучені роботи-рятувальники. Про це повідомило Головне управління ДСНС України в Одеській області. "Третій день поспіль рятувальники ліквідовують наслідки удару по агропромисловому терміналу в Одеській області", - йдеться у повідомленні. ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: Росіяни завдали ракетного удару по Одеській області Як зазначають у ДСНС, під час повітряних тривог ліквідацію здійснюють ро

"To keep simple rules, save lives": I don't know how Mykolaiv works on security classes

suspilne.media 21 Apr. 11:59 Category:No category

According to the HU DAlDS information in the Mykolaiv region, there are 56 security classes in the area. They open them both in educational institutions and in the DFS base

Believing in Kharkiv because of the shooting of Russian military broke out a massive fire called DAlDS

radiosvoboda.org 20 Apr. 22:33 Category:Події

There were 12 people fighting fire, and the volunteer of the local aviation, checked with DFS

"The Dnieper's Office" (writing): The number of dead and wounded

gazeta.ua 20 Apr. 08:56 Category:Надзвичайні події

The Dnieper in the area of the Russian missile hit 19 April crashed. In total, three people died in the city, 24 were killed. This has been reported in DFS in Ukraine. Now, here we go. Dnieper shot: A 12-person body was placed under the rubble. Another 51 people got help from the AlDS psychologists. There were 101 rescue and 20 units at the scene. In total, due to the Russian attacks of the 19th on Dnieper, eight people died, including two people

According to the Russians on port in Odessa: The destruction with the grain to go to Asia and Africa

rubryka.com 19 Apr. 21:51 Category:No category

As a result of the impact of Russia's today's "South" hit was destroyed by the capacitance of the agricultural production that had to go to export to Asia and Africa countries. This is from Rubrik, referring to the Ministry of Development of communities, divisions and infrastructure of Ukraine, and the main control of the DIS in the Odevia. In the domain, two terminals have been attacked at the South port that are specialized for [# 8230;] ] The pose of the Russians on the port in Odessa: destruction with grain to go to

Russian drone attacked rescue guards in Nicosre when the fire was shot

novynarnia.com 19 Apr. 19:46 Category:Війна

The Russian troops of April 19th, in Nicopoli, attacked a firefire car when the rescue was burning fire. This has been reported by the emergency State Service. & # 8220; Notraphronium: The enemy is attacking the rescue again. At night in Nicopoli, during the shattering of fire, the Russians hit a firefighter on a & # 8221; fire car. , & # 8211; They told me at DFS. Damned among [# 8230;] ♪ The pose in Nicosre Russian drone attacked a row

The Russians attacked a drone of DIS car

unn.com.ua 19 Apr. 18:30 Category:Суспільство

On the Dnipropetrovo, the Russians attacked a firecar called DUSS, and they attacked a firecar with a firefighter-carcass when the fire rescue was shot at the Noca Dnieper region, but they were without victims in the mansion

o children in Dnipropetrovs, including two children, 34 injured -- DAlDS

ua.interfax.com.ua 19 Apr. 17:30 Category:Події

The North Koreans died, 34 were suffered due to Russian occupants in the Dnieper cities, the Snow River Dnieper, the night by Friday, reported telegram to the State Service of Ukraine in extraordinary situations

Former DAlDS RACs Agency on Herson has reported a suspicion of cooperationism

suspilne.media 19 Apr. 15:47 Category:No category

In addition to the Genician Hersons, former major DFS inspectors, reported the suspicion of the CG: which is known

Вінницькі рятувальники визволили руку працівниці харчоблоку з міксеру

suspilne.media 19 Apr. 11:34 Category:No category

Жінка самотужки не змогла вивільнити руку, тому звернулася за допомогою до бійців ДСНС/ Прибувши на місце події, надзвичайники за допомогою спецінструменту деблокували руку працівниці

Встановили попередню причину пожежі на хмельницькому продуктовому ринку

suspilne.media 19 Apr. 11:30 Category:No category

Працівники ДСНС у Хмельницькій області встановили можливу причину пожежі на хмельницькому центральному продуктовому ринку, що трапилась 16 квітня. За попередньою версією загоряння сталося через коротке замикання електромережі

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