important in time to send official information so that the channels don't replicate it for haiku 22 Apr. 09:00 Category:Інфопростір

The former aerial protagonist told us about military communications and how in every foreign media language the word becomes a weapon that helps achieve real weapons for Ukraine

The PITC said why the hookers come in the dead military 22 Apr. 08:12 Category:Новини суспільства: читати соціальні новини

These cases occur because citizens do not update their personal data in time and directly in TPS and SP, and other Registers can provide bad data

According to the Kyiv TPS why they could send a summons to the deceased 21 Apr. 23:30 Category:No category

In Kyiv City, the PPS and the CID said that cases of sending a summons to the dead people 'update are because citizens do not update their personal data in time. Source: Kyiv city TACK and SMPH: "The Internet has spread information about data updates which have been sent to the address of the deceased citizen of Ukraine in the Kyiv frontend

To May 9, Russia wants to invade Chessy Yar - Zelenski 21 Apr. 22:32 Category:Новини України

ZU's technique and artillery equipment are missing. The president expects the U.S. help in time

Mr. Zielenski said that Russia is planning a massive attack 21 Apr. 21:15 Category:Донбас

"Russia to May 9," wants to capture the Java Chases in the Donsk region. If the Ukrainian troops are in charge, Russia's plans will start a counter attack in June. This is an interview for NBC News announced President of Vladimir Zielski. "Russia wants to mobilize 300,000 fighters by June 1st. We're getting ready for this. By May 9, Russia is counting on the east of Ukraine to take Miss Yar. I expect that we will stand by a weapon in time, and we will be able to defeat the enemy, and then break the RF plans for a full-blown Congress

The following cases are not binary: The TPS explained why they sent a summons to the deceased reporter of France 21 Apr. 18:29 Category:Україна/Події

The benefits of the departure from citizens of Ukraine who have already died are not unit because Ukrainians do not update their personal data in time in territorial communities. This was reported in Kyiv by the City Council and Post on Sunday, April 21, after publishing information on the summons of the deceased reporter Artek Frank

Mr. Kyiwski TZK explained why the hooves come dead 21 Apr. 18:17 Category:Події в Україні

The cases like this happen because citizens don't update their personal data in time

Mr. Kyiwski TZK explained why the hooves come dead 21 Apr. 18:17 Category:Київ

The cases like this happen because citizens don't update their personal data in time

The math has been thought at a time: Ukrainian actors who were married to the Russians 19 Apr. 19:39 Category:No category

In addition to Russia starting a war in Ukraine, many Ukrainian celebrities tried to build their careers there. And some of them also put their private lives in a country of aggression. Full News Text

Глава МЗС Естонії Цахкна про ракетний удар РФ по Дніпру: Ми могли цьому запобігти, але не змогли. ППО потрібна Україні зараз 19 Apr. 17:34 Category:За кордоном

Міністр закордонних справ Естонії Маргус Цахкна відреагував на ракетний удар російської армії по житловому будинку в Дніпрі, в результаті якого загинули кілька дітей, заявивши, що цьому можна було б запобігти, якби Україні вчасно надали системи ППО.

Chapter to the Ministry of Estonia about the Dnieper missile attack: We could have prevented it, but we couldn't 19 Apr. 17:03 Category:Політика

The foreign minister of Estonia Cahfikoff responded to a rocket strike in the Russian housing army in the Dnieper, which ended up killing several children, saying that this could be avoided if Ukraine had been in time with the PO system

Since the beginning of a full-blown RF invasion, Ukraine received $83.7 billion from partners 18 Apr. 06:19 Category:No category

The Ministry of Finance. According to him, Ukraine got $83.7 billion since February 2022. In 2024, the public budget was already $1.2 billion. "In the first month of 2024, we found ourselves in a situation where necessary arms and equipment from our partners didn't come in time. This caused a situation where the government had to refuel the cost of buying the necessary weapons and equipment. This year, we've already brought up US $4 billion to buy bullets and a

Pick Perfect time to land snarls in 2024: You need to know 17 Apr. 20:37 Category:No category

Ukraine's pumpkin is a pretty popular vegetable that grows many cities. It's very useful and very unforgivable if you only plant it in time. Full News Text

Коли садити огірки на розсаду та в грунт: найсприятливіші дні та температура грунту 17 Apr. 12:42 Category:Сад-город

Огірки вважають теплолюбною рослиною, яка боїться заморозків. Його комфортна температура для зростання та розвитку +14°C+30°C. Тому дуже важливо знати, коли треба садити насіння. Не поспішайте з посадкою, але й затягувати не потрібно, інакше огірки не дозріють вчасно. Та й насіння може взагалі не прорости. Як правильно і коли садити огірки, розповість Терміни посадки Найкраще починати сіяти огірки на розсаду в середині квітня. Пересадка здійснюється з середини травня. В цей ча

Коли треба садити кабачки: розкрито секрет від якого вони будуть краще рости 17 Apr. 11:00 Category:No category

Городники кажуть, що кабачки є невибагливими овочами та не потребують особливого догляду, втім таки мають певні нюанси, як і кожна рослина. Окрім того, що їх треба вчасно посадити, варто знати на якій саме ділянці це треба зробити. Повний текст новини

Бої за Первомайське: Росія хотіла причепити свій триколор, але "отримала" прапором України 17 Apr. 10:59 Category:Война

Дії росіян вчасно помітили бійці ЗСУ. Склалося не так, як гадалося.

You can't drag children to your ears: I don't know how to grow a sweet carrot 17 Apr. 09:10 Category:Lite Telegraf

If you want a carrot to grow sweet, you need it right and save it in time

СБУ затримала черкащанина, який збирав для ворога інфомацію про ППО 15 Apr. 10:28 Category:Новини України

СБУ вчасно викрила зрадника, який збирав інформацію про розміщення радіолокаційних станцій протиповітряної оборони на Черкащині й на Одещині.

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